Today's topic is the Geograph Project, a crowd-sourced project that combines photography and maps via a simple idea: volunteers take photographs at each Ordnance Survey grid square. Started in 2005, the project recently celebrated the uploading of its 7 millionth photo upload, and has a thriving community with over 13,000 contributors across the British Isles. All images are freely available for use under a Creative Commons licence subject to attribution of copyright.
Steven speaks with long-time community members and organizers Ruth Sharville, Philip Halling,
and David Howard about what makes Geograph so special.
Relevant links:
-, the project website
- Follow @geograph_bi on twitter
- Ruth's profile on Geograph
- Philip's profile on Geograph
- David's profile on Geograph
On the Geomob podcast every week we discuss themes from the geo industry, interview Geomob speakers, and provide regular updates about our own projects.
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The Geomob podcast is hosted by:

Ed Freyfogle, co-founder of OpenCage

Alastair Graham, freelance geospatial/earth observation consultant.