On the Geomob podcast every week we discuss themes from the geo industry, interview Geomob speakers, and provide regular updates about our own projects.
Popular podcast topics:
The Geomob podcast is hosted by:

Ed Freyfogle, co-founder of OpenCage

Alastair Graham, freelance geospatial/earth observation consultant.
- 271. Nick Everard: Spatial Hydrometry
- 270. Ed/Steven: 2025 Kick Off
- 269. Héctor Ochoa Ortiz: ODECO Research, OpenStreetMap Foundation
- 268. Luke Seelenbinder: MapLibre
- 267. Luisa Teixeira / Maddie Grady: Planet
- 266. Roundup 2024/Welcome 2025
- 265. Xmas Chaos 2024
- 264. Harald Riemer: Atlas
- 263. András Zlinszky: Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem
- 262. Dariusz Wojcik: Atlas of Finance
- 261. Ed/Steven: Geomob Netherlands Recap
- 260. Tom Armitage: MapTiler
- 259. Sean Gorman: Zephr
- 258. Neil Sims: Land Degradation
- 257. Ed/Steven: Berlin/Barcelona recap
- 256. Doug Specht: Mapping the Unmappable
- 255. Robin Cole: Deep learning and EO
- 254. Ed/Steven: A great London night
- 253. Marc Prioleau: Overture leaves beta
- 252. Kenneth Field: When not to make a map
- 251. Joana Simoes: Geomob Lisbon
- 250. Geoff Smith: Landcover datasets
- 249. Jo Walsh: The early days of the open data revolution
- 248. Ed/Steven: summer catch-up
- 247. FOSS4G 2024 Preview
- 246. Wil Waters: The Geospatial Index
- 245. Welcome Alastair!
- 244. Dave Whittingham: Kreuzungen
- 243. Shoaib Burq: Geobase
- 242. Phil Cooper: Amazon Location Services
- 241. Ed/Steven: Belgium/London recap
- 240. Lukas Hort: Map Map game
- 239. Ed/Steven: #geoweirdness, #fridaygeotrivia
- 238. Steve McLeod: Feature Upvote
- 237. Ed/Steven: Recent events
- 236. Gala Camacho: Geomob Edinburgh
- 235. Sanna Jokela: Gispo
- 234. James Morrison: UAV surveying at Ordnance Survey
- 233. Robin Wilson: British Placename Mapper
- 232. Giuseppe Sollazzo: Open Data Camp 9
- 231. Carston Hernke: Honeycomb Maps
- 230. Ed/Steven: Updates/London recap
- 229. Sean Wiid: UP42
- 228. Octavio Herrera: AddressHub
- 227. Nigel Edmead: enumanation
- 226. James Milner: Terra Draw
- 225. Jorge Sanz: Elastic Geo
- 224. Jake Cracknell: doorways.ai
- 223. Max Lenormand: AI and Geo
- 222. Ed/Steven: GeomobEDI is coming, LON, BCN, and BER recaps
- 221. Thierry Gregorius: True Horizon Coaching
- 220. Patrick Ribeiro: explorer.land
- 219. Ana Lucia González Paz: A Map Inside
- 218. Women in geo: the role of internships and mentorship
- 217. Ed/Steven: We need money
- 216. Auren Hoffman: SafeGraph
- 215. Ed/Steven: Tools we use
- 214. MapAction / CDEMA / Humanitarian Mapping
- 213. Geomob Christmas Special
- 212. Angel Arenas: Giant Interactive Maps
- 211. Simon Poole: The state of OpenStreetMap editors
- 210. Ed/Steven: Final catch-up episode of 2023
- 209. Jorit Schmelzle: Peregrine.ai
- 208. Marco Bernasocchi: QField
- 207. Miika Sikala: Biila
- 206. Ed/Steven: Lisbon recap, What3Words debate
- 205. David Overton: SplashMaps
- 204. Petya Kangalova: HOT Tech and Innovation WG
- 203. Hannah Babineau: Data Appeal
- 202. Ben Abelshausen: SotM Europe 2023
- 201. Ed/Steven: BCN, LON, FOSS4G UK recaps
- 200. Ed/Steven/Max: Celebrating 200 episodes!
- 199. Denise McKenzie: PLACE
- 198. Sascha Klement: Bareways
- 197. Chloe Bolland: Fantasy Maps
- 196. Tim Fernando: Esplorio
- 195. Ed/Steven: Summer Geonews
- 194. Rebecca Firth: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- 193. Andy Allan: Early days of OSM
- 192. Akansha Saklani: Energy Access Explorer
- 191. Dario Raijman: Textomap
- 190. Roman Tsisyk: Organic Maps
- 189. Ed/Steven: Tel Aviv and London events
- 188. Ant Scott: MapAction
- 187. Juha Koponen: CollectiveCrunch
- 186. Merve Keskin: Map Usability
- 185. Ed/Steven: Berlin recap, Lyft embraces OSM
- 184. Jennifer Ding: London Data Week
- 183. Nick Patrick: Radar
- 182. FOSS4G 2023 preview
- 181. Peter Rushforth: Maps for HTML
- 180. Xavier Banqué: Rokubun/State of GNSS
- 179. Ariel Seidman: Hivemapper
- 178. Ed/Steven: Helsinki and London recap, more sponsors needed
- 177. Melinda Clarke: The Melbourne Map
- 176. Brandon Liu: Protomaps
- 175. Ed/Steven: Geounicorns
- 174. Jérémy Garniaux: Mapstodon
- 173. Antti Jakobsson: Geomob Finland
- 172. Nama Budhathoki: HOT Turkey/Syria response
- 171. Ed/Steven: Berlin recap, ChatGPT support pain
- 170. Edoardo Neerhut: Building communities in open
- 169. Mikel Maron: OSM Reflections
- 168. Randal Hale: GeoHipster
- 167. Looking back on FOSS4G:UK Local 2022
- 166. Loraine Rutt: Physical geography
- 165. Ed/Steven: LON recap, upcoming events, pondering Overture Maps
- 164. Simon Poole: Perspective on OpenStreetMap
- 163. Marc Prioleau: Overture Maps Foundation
- 162. Maxime Lenormand: Minds Behind Maps
- 161. Geomob Christmas Special
- 160. Ed/Steven: BCN recap, 2022 review, 2023 goals
- 159. Christian Bäuerlein: ioki digital mobility
- 158. Chris Barrington Brown: D-Day Buildup
- 157. Monica Nthiga: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- 156. Adam DuVander: Developer Marketing
- 155. Ed/Steven: TLV recap
- 154. Tobias Jordans: Using OpenStreetMap for parking analysis
- 153. Christian Nolle: Direction of Travel
- 152. Jeffrey Linn: Conspiracy of Cartographers
- 151. Grant Slater: OpenStreetMap Operations
- 150. Ed/Steven: updates
- 149. Miguel Marques: Mapidea
- 148. Marco Bernasocchi: QGIS
- 147. FOSS4G Impressions
- 146. Royal Engineers Geographic
- 145. Ed/Steven: Summer wrap up
- 144. Melinda Haughey: Proxi
- 143. Anthony Norris-Watson: Interchange
- 142. Ian Hannigan: FORMATION
- 141. Ed/Steven: midsummer catch-up
- 140. Andy Ashburner: Pin Drop
- 139. Adam Simkin: Estimating ETAs
- 138. James Fee: Working in public in geo
- 137. Motti Zohar: Geolocating tweets
- 136. SotM & FOSS4G Preview
- 135. Ed/Steven: updates
- 134. Peter Rose: Orbica
- 133. Muki Haklay: Citizen Science
- 132. Ilya Zverev: Every Door
- 131. Carly Morris: Geovation
- 130. Jack Dangermond: Esri
- 129. Ed/Steven: updates
- 128. Will Martin: Early stage investing
- 127. Anne Kelly Knowles: Mapping the Holocaust
- 126. Manuel Timita: illustreets
- 125. Howard Butler: GDAL/PDAL
- 124. Julia Wagemann: What's New in Earth Observation
- 123. Ed/Steven: updates
- 122. Countryle and Wardle
- 121. Kate Jeffery: Maps in the head
- 120. Line of Actual Control
- 119. Kate Berg & Michele Tobias: #gischat
- 118. Tom MacWright: Placemark
- 117. Ed/Steven: updates and two years of podcasting
- 116. Blair Freebairn: Geolytix
- 115. Andrew Trigg: HM Land Registry
- 114. Andrea Aime & Ian Turton: Open Source Sustainability
- 113. Dustin Carlino: A/B Street
- 112. The Geograph Project
- 111. Tom Armitage: Teaching GIS
- 110. Ed/Steven: 2022 Goals
- 109. Geomob Christmas Pudding
- 108. Geomob Christmas Roast
- 107. Ivan Sanchez: Politics of Geo
- 106. Chris Guest: Lightbug
- 105. Misha Gopaul: FATMAP
- 104. MapAction / IHDP
- 103. Richard Hawthorn: Traintrackr
- 102. Ed/Steven: Ed is back
- 101. James Morley: A Street Near You
- 100. Steven's love affair
- 99. John Nelson: Edgy Cartography
- 98. Atlas of the Invisible
- 97. The Atlas of Imagined Places
- 96. Stephen Mather: OpenDroneMap
- 95. Christian Rouffaert: Teragence
- 94. Andrew Turner: Neogeo, a retrospective
- 93. Ed/Steven: Summer is over
- 92. Kenneth Field: Thematic Mapping
- 91. Chaz Hutton: When a map goes viral
- 90. Ed Fairburn: Topopointillism
- 89. Dan Bell: Middle Earth's Maps
- 88. Paul Ramsey: PostGIS turns 20
- 87. FOSS4G 2021 Preview
- 86. Ken Hart: Snowdrop Solutions
- 85. Ed/Steven: updates and geo news
- 84. David Gee: Cartoon Maps
- 83. Lisa Allen: The Little Book of Data
- 82. Gregory Marler: State of the Map
- 81. Neil Ackroyd: Sustainable Mapping
- 80. Ferdinando Villa: ARIES
- 79. Ed/Steven: Pre-summer Updates
- 78. Alexis Batlle: AVUXI and surviving the pandemic
- 77. Arnalie Vicario: Building inclusive spaces in OSM
- 76. Alistair Maclenan: marketing for geo
- 75. Nadine Alameh: Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
- 74. Ed/Steven: Project Updates
- 73. Will Cadell: Sparkgeo
- 72. Denise McKenzie & Ben Hawes: Locus Charter
- 71. Eric Rodenbeck & Alan McConchie: Stamen
- 70. Geoawesomeness turns 10
- 69. Jack Cornish: Don't Lose Your Way
- 68. Ed/Steven: Project Updates
- 67. Sajjad Anwar: Indian Mapping Liberalisation
- 66. Tim Newman: OS Maps in Australia
- 65. Sara Venturini: Earth Observation and Climate
- 64. Ed/Steven: Geo news update
- 63. Allan Mustard: OSMF Community Survey
- 62. Ben Dowling: IPinfo
- 61. Sam Crawford: Trail Router
- 60. Ed/Steven: Project updates
- 59. Thierry Gregorius: True Horizon Coaching
- 58. Hana Sutch: Go Jauntly
- 57. Jez Nicholson: OSMUK
- 56. Ed/Steven: Goals for 2021
- 55. Miriam Gonzalez: UP42
- 54. Mark Iliffe: UN-GGIM
- 53. Mike Dolbow: GeoHipster
- 52. 2020 end-of-year/holiday special
- 51. Chris Hildrey: ProxyAddress
- 50. James Fee: Amazon enters Geo
- 49. Tyler Radford: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- 48. Laurence Penney: Ptolemy and the first geo database
- 47. Alastair Graham: Geoger and Rasters Revealed
- 46. Vivien Godfrey: Stanfords
- 45. Andrew Hart: Dent Reality
- 44. Ian Watt: Code the City
- 43. Ed/Steven: Planning for 2021
- 42. Jeremy Morley: Looking back on OSMGB
- 41. Abigail Page: GeoCommunity 2020
- 40. Sean Gorman: Pixel8.earth
- 39. Helen Ilus: Greenground Map
- 38. David Overton, Ian Holt: SplashMaps
- 37. Gary Gale: Whereonearth
- 36. Ed/Steven: Geo news review
- 35. Sarah Hoffmann: Nominatim
- 34. Nan Deardorff-McClain: ceramic map of Delft
- 33. Daniel O'Donohue: MapScaping
- 32. Jo Cook: OSGeo:UK
- 31. Quintin Lake: Walking the perimeter of Great Britain
- 30. Ed/Steven: Summer catch up
- 29. Allan Mustard: OSMF Board
- 28. Camila González Arango: On-demand mobility
- 27. John Craig: Location Based Advertising
- 26. María Arias de Reyna
- 25. Randy Meech: StreetCred
- 24. Peter Karich: Graphhopper
- 23. Denise McKenzie: Benchmark Initiative
- 22. Harry Wood: OpenStreetMap London
- 21. Ed/Steven: Free is great. Or is it?
- 20. Andy Coote: ConsultingWhere
- 19. Previewing FOSS4GUK Online 2020
- 18. Giuseppe Sollazzo: Open data aficionado
- 17. How Geomob works
- 16. Muthukumar Kumar: Geomob Munich, Geoawesomeness
- 15. Raf Roset: LinksGeo
- 14. Jan-Piet Mens: OwnTracks
- 13. Ed/Steven: Reflecting on our first Geomob online
- 12. Kenneth Field of Esri
- 11. Ed Parsons of Google
- 10. Andy Allan: Thunderforest
- 9. Alex Wrottesley: Geovation
- 8. Alexis Batlle: AVUXI
- 7. Privacy and Location - Ed/Steven
- 6. Steve Chilton
- 5. Mapping coronavirus - Ed/Steven
- 4. Joana Simoes
- 3. Mappery / FOSS4G - Ed/Steven
- 2. Meet co-host Steven Feldman
- 1. Introducing the podcast