Steven speaks with Lisa Allen,
co-author (together with Deborah Yates) of
The little book of data: First steps to your data transformation.
The book is
full of practical tips and best practices for anyone working with data. The
list of lessons draws upon Lisa's many years of experience in various
high-profile data roles including Head of Data Management at Defra (UK
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), Head of Data at the UK's
Ordnance Survey, and now at the ODI (the Open Data Institute).
A useful
resource for anyone looking to raise their data game,
After discussing the book and Lisa's background, the conversation moves to
"Data as Infrastructure" and the part data plays in the wider data ecosystem,
and how we responsibly share that data. Steven tries, but fails, to avoid
ranting about the data rights around the UK postcode system.
Relevant links:
- Lisa is on twitter as @i_am_lisaallen
- Lisa on LinkedIn
- The Little Book of Data on Amazon
- Why publish data unless you want it to be used
- Episode #16 of the Data Bites podcast: Getting things done with data in government
- The Open Data Institute
On the Geomob podcast every week we discuss themes from the geo industry, interview Geomob speakers, and provide regular updates about our own projects.
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The Geomob podcast is hosted by:

Ed Freyfogle, co-founder of OpenCage

Alastair Graham, freelance geospatial/earth observation consultant.