When and where?
Geomob San Francisco will place on the evening of Tuesday, April 15th, 2025 at the Meta SF office, 250 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94105
Maps: OpenStreetMap, Google Maps
We are delighted to organize this event in collaboration with the GeoMeetup community.
Doors open at 5:30, set up and general mingling
Talks begin at 6:00 with a very brief introduction
Each speaker will have slides and speak for 10-15 minutes. After each talk there will be time for 2-3 questions.
We retire to a nearby bar for discussion and #geobeers paid for by the sponsors.
The speakers:
Peter Black, Geo Games
someone from Mapillary
someone from Google
Would you like to speak at a future event? Speaker volunteers are always welcome
The organizers:
Geomob San Francisco is organized by Silas Toms and Marc Prioleau
Geomob would not be possible without speakers and sponsors. Over the years we have had so many fantastic talks, spanning the range from inspirational to informative to weird and wacky. See the list of all the past speakers. Please get in touch if you would like to speak at a future Geomob.
Please share the event details with everyone you know who may find the evening interesting.
If you can’t attend (or even if you can) be sure to sign up fory the monthly Geomob mailing list, where we announce upcoming events.