When and where?
Thursday, 20 February, the afternoon at 16:30–19:30
Tampere University of Applied Science premises (Kuntokatu 3, Tampere)
Sign up here by 17th of February
Our format:
Doors open at 16:30 for set up and general mingling over refreshments
At 17:00 we begin the talks with a very brief introduction
Each speaker will have slides and speak for 10-15 minutes. Talks will be in English. After each talk there will be time for 2-3 questions.
After the presentations, the event continues with networking and mingling.
The speakers:
Mikko Vesanen, Novatron – Use of geospatial data in Novatron applications
Teijo Meriläinen, Kelluu – Redefining Geospatial Data with Kelluu Airships
Markus Hohenthal, Lentola Logistcs - Using Location Information in Drone Logistics
Ilpo Tammi, Ubigu – Power of GIS
The organizers:
Geomob Finland, Tampere is organized by Tampere University of Applied Science in co-operation with Location Innovation Hub and SIX.
Geomob would not be possible without speakers and sponsors. Over the years we have had so many fantastic talks, spanning the range from inspirational to informative to weird and wacky. See the list of all the past speakers. Please get in touch if you would like to speak at a future Geomob.