The videos from the event can be seen in our YouTube channel.
Claire Fram of Arup on Building an Agent Based Model (ABM) in response to COVID-19
David Greenwood, founder of Trek View
Laurence Penney “Ptolemy and the first geospatial database”
The goal of Geomob is to provide a forum to learn and exchange ideas about any interesting services and projects that deal with location. Everyone working in or curious about the location space or with location services is welcome. You absolutely do not need to be some sort of GIS expert (though GIS experts are of course welcome as well).
Our format for the evening will be as close to the format of our in-person events (remember those?) as possible.
Before the event please make sure you have the newest version of Zoom installed.
a few hours before the event we will send an email to the first 100 people on the sign-up list. The email will contain the URL for logging into the Zoom meeting. Please do NOT share the URL with anyone, as it means you will potentially be taking someone else’s spot and possibly letting in trouble makers. That would create a lot of very, very bad geo karma for you, which would be a pretty heavy burden for you to shoulder. The world has enough challenges already.
30 minutes before the event attendees can begin arriving. When you enter the meeting you will first be in what Zoom calls “the waiting room” and a moderator will have to manually approve you. Have patience! It’s a good chance to sample your #geobeer.
Once in the meeting, attendees will go into breakout rooms to mix and mingle. Pro tip: bring a geo trivia question.
A few minutes before the start of the event the breakout rooms will end.
at 19:00 UK / 20:00 European time we begin the talks with a very brief introduction
Each speaker will present his/her slides, speaking for 10-15 minutes.
If you have a question for the speaker please use the chat functionality in Zoom. Questions will only be visible to the admins.
After the speaker finishes his or her talk a moderator will ask one or two of the questions submitted by the audience. Hopefully in this way we can have good quality, concise questions. Sorry if your question doesn’t get asked. Please just follow up one on one (or post it on twitter).
After the final talk we will vote by twitter poll for the best speaker. The winner will receive a SplashMap and unending glory (see the full list of all past winners).
Following the event we will unfortunately NOT be able to head to a pub for discussion and #geobeers. Feel free to enjoy a #geobeer while watching the talks.
Unless there is some sort of unplanned technical problem, we will post videos of the talks here shortly after the event.
Geomob is organized by Ed Freyfogle and Steven Feldman.
Geomob would not be possible without speakers and sponsors.
See the list of past speakers.
Please get in touch if you would like to speak at a future Geomob event.
Please share the event details with anyone who may find the event interesting.
We announce upcoming events on the monthly Geomob newsletter.