Event summary:
When and where?

The fourth London #geomob of 2019 will be at 18:30 on Tuesday the 8th of October at Geovation Hub at (Sutton Yard, 65 Goswell Rd, London EC1V 7EN).


The goal of Geomob is to provide a forum to learn and exchange ideas about any interesting services and projects that deal with location. Everyone working in or curious about the location space or with location services is welcome. You absolutely do not need to be some sort of GIS expert (though GIS experts are of course welcome as well).


Our format for the evening will be as it always has been:

  • doors open at 18:00, set up and general mingling

  • at 18:30 we begin the talks with a very brief introduction

  • Each speaker will have slides and speak for 10-15 minutes. After each talk there will be time for 2-3 questions.

  • We vote by show of hands for the best speaker. The winner will receive a SplashMap and unending glory (see the full list of all past winners).

  • We head to a nearby pub for discussion and #geobeers paid for by the sponsors.

The speakers:
The organizer:

Geomob London is organized by Ed Freyfogle


Geomob would not be possible without speakers and sponsors.

See the list of past speakers.

Please get in touch if you would like to speak at a future Geomob event.

Spread the word:

Please share the event details with anyone who may find the event interesting.

We announce upcoming events on the monthly Geomob newsletter.

London Sponsors:


Geomob London is made possible by:

London venue partners: